
Mortgage refi

Mortgage real estate (land).

--------------- Mortgage is that a person called a "mortgage" to remove their property such as land or property ทื่ Law to allow mortgage registered with another party. called the "mortgagee" to guarantee the debt. The mortgage is not required by the delivery of land or property to the mortgagee, such as when you have a plot of land converted to borrow from banks. To construct housing. You to borrow money to other banks when the bank approved loans. The bank will give you mortgage. The conversion of land into the bank are "mortgagee" to guarantee the debt. If you can not. Debt to the bank. Bank will follow suit by force guarantees mortgages do land office only. To be valid by law. The mortgage note to pay 1% of mortgage value, but not exceeding 200,000 baht, or 0.5%, a rate not higher than 100,000 Baht in case of mortgage loans for the agriculture. To the land office fees, mortgage is a 2 way.
--------------- 1. Mortgage debt guarantees to their own.
--------------- 2. As collateral for mortgage debt of others.
--------------- Mortgage law that set a. Must be made in writing to the competent official registration and if the mortgage. Not follow a mortgage would be invalidated. The mortgage contract. Should be clearly specified. About the value of such loan 1,000,000 baht 2,000,000 baht worth of water to soil to provide mortgages to clear. Mortgage debt is only 1,000,000 baht only secured the lawsuit forced the mortgage. Mortgagee may. Impose mortgage securities. Is their right. But following the guidelines need to.
----- 1. The debtor has no interest submitted. Years to 5 years.
----- 2. The mortgage did not show for court is satisfied that. Property prices. Flooded the amount outstanding on Chma.
----- 3. No other mortgages or other related capped call. Registered over the same property itself.
-------- Time. Are forced auction. Mortgage assets. Money from the auction. Later deduct ฤชา Traditionally the remaining number. Must allocate debt to creditors. If the front is complete. How much money left. Would be refunded to the mortgagor. If the sale was not enough money to pay debt. Debtor is not responsible for the money again. Leave a waste of energy, agreed in mortgage contracts. That if the auction is not enough money, creditors can claim to be part. The ownership of property because of mortgage products that remain of the mortgage. Therefore, the mortgage assets may be sold. However, grant recipients. Mortgage obligations that have been attached to the property.

